Wholesale Distributors Wanted

If you ever wanted to start your own business on online marketplaces like Amazon or Walmart, you have certainly thought about the products you are going to sell. Well, this is not an easy task, we must say!

Wholesale Distributors WANTED

Choosing a product that you should demonstrate on the platform is a risky and unsafe action to take because of two main reasons:

  1. Firstly, you may unintentionally pick products that are not selling well: this can be the result of poor research. If you want to find a good product, you should spend days and hours on this!
  2. Your products may still be in high demand, but still be sold by hundreds of sellers! This means that you will face a harsh contest where you’ll have to do everything to win the race! In fact, the competition could hardly be more austere on platforms like Amazon! If you’re not mentally, physically and financially ready for this challenge, make sure you pick the products that are both in high demand and unique!
  3. After hours of research, you may pick the WRONG supplier or distributor, and in the end, provide your customers with low-quality, defective or broken products! Do you want to have a business like that? Well, then let’s understand how to find a good supply chain!

Google It!

The easiest way to find a wholesale supplier that will offer you high-quality and authentic products is to search for them in google or other search engines. Even though this is not the most reliable way to find a partner, you should still consider this method for the following reason:

  • Successful and high-quality suppliers usually optimize the keywords to appear on the first page of Google searches. This theoretically means that if they invest much money in optimization and visibility, they also have authentic and original products.
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Open Linked-In

A more reliable way to find a good supplier is to search for it on LinkedIn. This method is more professional, as mature companies with a huge experience have their accounts on this platform. However, don’t take this as a given  – even fly-by-night companies do that!

Contact the Brand

Suppliers offer the products of numerous brands and manufacturers, and are therefore included in the list of authorized distributors. This is why you can contact the brand of your products and ask for the  list of the companies that are reselling their products. In general, this is the most reliable way to find a supplier, since in this case, they are authorized directly by the brand!

Ask The Supplier Itself!

Numerous events like trade shows happen every month by bringing together legit suppliers and companies you may work with. This is also not a bad idea, if you have tried all the above-mentioned options. In any case, make sure you find the info about this company without working with them!

Why Legit Suppliers Are So Important

Working on platforms like Amazon is easy only if you have a reliable supply chain. In most cases, sellers source their products from retail stores, or in the worst case, from fly-by-night and cheap companies, and think that they will get away with this. However, eCommerce giants like Amazon won’t let you do that! In the blink of an eye, sellers will lose their selling accounts by getting hit with an Amazon suspension, and having their Amazon account suspended!

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Besides, Amazon customers will be obsessed with you if you have high-quality and original products! Remember, customers are the most important element in this selling cycle – if you want to satisfy them, you will surely reach Amazon’s heights!


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail: srupnar85@gmail.com

sachin has 288 posts and counting. See all posts by sachin

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