Wheelchair Service Training Package

Project Dates: September 2012 – Present
Countries: Albania, Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe

Project Overview & Objectives:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 65 million individuals require a wheelchair to meet their mobility needs and at least 20 million of these individuals do not have access to a wheelchair or appropriate wheelchair services.

Since 2012, the USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project has worked with global leaders in wheelchair service provision to support the expansion of appropriate wheelchair services and to strengthen the wheelchair and rehabilitation sector in three key areas:

  1. Supporting the rollout of the WHO Wheelchair Service Training Package (WSTP)
  2. Coordinating the creation of the WHO Wheelchair Service Training of Trainers Package
  3. Supporting the development of an standard knowledge and skills assessment for basic level wheelchair service provision

The LMG Project partners with local wheelchair service organizations with a comprehensive approach that supports newly trained service providers, trains service managers, and engages stakeholders to develop an enabling environment for wheelchair services.

This comprehensive approach not only expands access to quality wheelchair services, but also helps to foster country ownership and strengthen national systems so local partners can continue to leverage commitments after the LMG Project’s support ends.



  • The LMG Project has supported training for 761 wheelchair professionals, including 360 on the WSTP basic training, 299 on the WSTP for Managers, and 102 on the WSTP intermediate training.
  • In May 2016, the LMG Project and partners were recognized for an “Outstanding Human Performance Intervention” by the International Society for Performance Improvement.
See also  Governance Guides and Handbooks

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