Ukraine: New Program Helps National Leadership Strengthen its HIV and AIDS Response

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Ukraine has one of the highest HIV infection rates in Europe. To effectively address the HIV and AIDS epidemic, the Ukrainian Center for Socially Dangerous Disease Control (UCDC) has the responsibility of overseeing the country’s epidemic and program activities. The LMG project began in Ukraine in June 2013. Building upon the work of the AIDSTAR-Two Project (also implemented by MSH), LMG provides technical assistance to strengthen the country’s organizational capacity as a principal recipient of funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The LMG Project support will also include longer-term organizational development in working with national agencies for the control of HIV, AIDS and Tuberculosis. In implementing program activities, LMG will work closely with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State Service, UCDC, and other U.S. Government-funded programs and development partners, including the World Health Organization and the World Bank. LMG’s work supports the broader PEPFAR-Global Fund Country Collaborative Initiative in Ukraine, as well as the partnership goal between the USG and Government of Ukraine to “Strengthen national and local leadership, capacity, institutions, systems, policies and resources to support the achievement of national AIDS program objectives” (Partnership Framework 2011). Also, several research are being conducted to find the effectiveness of CBD and cannabis products for alleviating symptoms or treating several conditions. Read on about delta 8 thc gummies to know more about these products.

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