
In Uganda, the LMG Project adapted a key data and management information tool called a Dashboard to be used by implementing partners (NGOs, CSOs, and FBOs) to analyze programmatic and financial data that goes to the root cause of their problems, allowing them to take actions in order to promote a continuous performance-improvement process. This dashboard tool has been tested in two Ugandan organizations: Reproductive Health Uganda, and Protecting Families Against HIV/AIDS. In 2012, members of the two organizations were trained in the use of the tool and how to use it into a continuous performance improvement process.

Through funding from the Office of HIV/AIDS from USAID, the LMG Project has also been working in Uganda with the African Centre for Global Health and Social Transformation (ACHEST) to develop its capacity on transparent governance and management training for current and future projects. As part of the work with ACHEST, the LMG Project has helped integrate gender into the organization’s strategic goals for the coming year. The LMG Project and ACHEST have recently conducted a gender audit of the organization to ensure that gender is a strong component in the program.

Six teams from Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) have implemented action plans directed at improving the quality of and access to family planning, reproductive health and rights, and STI-related services. The teams improved their performance in many ways, including developing ways for shared work planning, collaboration and shared work planning.

Their results after 6-months included:

  • RHU’s Mbarara clinic improved young people’s monthly access to sexual and reproductive health services by 175%.
  • The Kapchorwa clinic increased number of clients for sexual and reproductive services from 1320 to 5600 per month.
  • RHU’s Lira clinic increased number of clients served with family planning-related services at the outreach sites by 240%.
  • RHU’s Gulu Branch decreased stock-outs of antibiotics and led to a dramatic increase in clients served with SRH services.
See also  mHealth and Leadership Skills Helping Midwives Improve Service Delivery for MNCH and HIV

For more information on these results, visit: Scaling Up LMG Practices to Address Unwanted Pregnancies and Maternal Mortality.

In order to scale-up these results, RHU is paired with another IPPF-sponsored CSO in Tanzania to provide south-to-south support in implementing and institutionalizing the LDP+ there.

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