Tips by Emma Lovewell to Start Your Day the Right Way

You all must have noticed that even after taking a good sleep we still face various issues in the morning, such as:

  • Feeling stressed
  • Not having a good mood to do anything
  • Not feeling energetic.

We can create a never-ending list of such issues like that.

After some research, we figured out the reason behind the cause of these issues, and the cause was, not having the right way to start your day.

Yes, you heard it right. Here in this post, we are going to discuss everything about the right way to start your day by Emma Lovewell.

Tips by Emma Lovewell to Start Your Day the Right Way

Who is Emma Lovewell? 

Emma Lovewell is a fitness expert and founder of Live Learn Lovewell. She has more than 10 years of experience as a fitness expert.

Not just that, she has deeply studied how our start of the day can affect the whole day. Hence by continuously practicing and coming up with new things she has developed the best way to start your day.

In the coming section, we are going to discuss some of the tips by Emma Lovewell to start your day the right way.

If you are someone who feels stressed throughout the day and don’t have the right ways to start your day, then this post is for you.

Tips by Emma Lovewell to start your day the right way: 

Having a routine is important, but what if you have a bad routine?

What if you are daily doing the wrong things that are decreasing your productivity, not helping you in any way for the upcoming day and more?

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Here let’s discuss the tips that you should implement in your daily life for a better start to your day.

  • Practice Gratitude Everyday:

There are a number of things that happen with us on a daily basis and take them for granted or don’t even mention them once. Here’s the trick, if you wake up in the morning and remember all the good things that happened to you yesterday, you will be living a happier life than anyone else.

Moreover, in some cases, we notice that people start having demotivating thoughts and thoughts like no good happening to them. With the help of this tip, you would be able to get rid of such problems.

Also, try to forget all the bad things that happened to you the previous day.

  • Stretching or Physical Activity:

The next tip you should keep in mind is to do stretching or some sort of physical activity daily in the morning. With the help of stretching or physical activity, you would be able to feel more energetic.

Not just that, this tip is going to help you enhance your overall physical and mental health.

Most people do physical activity early in the morning just for the sake of their physical health, but they are completely unaware of the benefits they are getting for their mental health by doing that.

You will notice more clarity of thoughts in your mind after regularly practicing physical activity early in the morning

Physical activity can be anything, you can go cycling, walking, going to the gym or any such thing.

  • Journaling:
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Most people don’t practice this super amazing and helpful tip which is known as journaling. In this case, you need to keep a diary where you can write good/bad things and the accomplishments that you have done in your whole day.

In this way, you would be able to keep a track of everything that happens with you, not just that with the help of journaling you can learn a lot of things.

Here are a few benefits you can get by journaling daily;

You would be able to track your growth on a daily basis. Initially, you can build some targets to achieve and by journaling daily you would be able to know more about what changes you faced in your life.

Another big advantage you’ll notice by journaling daily is it enhances your memory strength.

  • Make Your Bed:

Cleanliness is one of the best ways with the help of which you can generate positive thoughts in your mind. And if you want to get a clean mind then you should directly start from making your bed, as it will help you promote positivity.

Firstly, you would be able to promote positivity, along with that you can save a lot of your time. Most of you must be facing the issue of not getting enough time to make your bed, but if you are waking up early and making your bed right after it then you would be able to save a lot of your time and keep your place neat and clean.

  • Meditation:

Most people think that if they are doing a daily workout then they don’t need meditation. But, if you are someone with similar thoughts then you are wrong.

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This is because exercise can never give you what meditation can. So even if you are doing workouts daily then also you should take some time to meditate.

Initially, you can start with at least giving 15 to 30 minutes to meditate and after some time you’ll automatically start noticing the benefits of meditation.

  • Healthy breakfast:

You all must have heard this quote “You are what you eat.”

If you don’t believe in this, then we would like to tell you that you were wrong. As various researches have been carried forward that states if you are having a healthy diet then you are going to get better physical and mental health.

Hence the next tip with the help of which you can start your day the right way is by having a healthy breakfast. If you can take some time to cook that healthy breakfast for yourself, then that is an add-on.

This was all about some of the best tips by Emma Lovewell, with the help of which you can easily start your day the right way.

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