The Perfect Body: The 6 Keys to Fitness

In order to get the perfect body you want, you must apply certain principles and certain habits and stick with them. The key to getting the body you want, is to combine these habits and principles consistently.

The Perfect Body The 6 Keys to Fitness

In order to get the perfect body, here are the 6 keys to fitness:

1. Set Attainable Goals

This is key to your success. Not only should you set specific goals, but you should also ensure that these goals are attainable. For example, I want to lose 20 pounds in 5 months, working out 30 mins a day, 6 six days a week. This is a specific goal and it is attainable. This is 4 pounds a month and 1 pound a week.

2. Eat Healthy

There is no easy way for me to say this, but if you do the other 5 keys to fitness and omit this one, you will not see results. So, develop a clean eating regimen. I know this is difficult to start, but a great trick is to start slowly by eliminating one or two foods every other day. Before you know it, you won’t miss those unhealthy foods at all. Eat less fats, sugar, starch, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. Instead, eat more green-leafy vegetables, protein, fiber, and lots of water. The ideal water consumption should be your body weight divided by 2.

3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day

The next thing to do is to decide on an exercise program that is right for you. Or join the gym…go for daily runs, ride your bike, take up swimming…whatever works. Keep an exercise schedule that works for you. A great way to stay fit and get that perfect body is to incorporate weight training in your routine. This will give you the flat tummy and the defined arms and legs that you want.

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4. Be Consistent

Read the first 3 goals. Set attainable goals; if you set goals that you know you won’t have any difficulties sticking with, then you will have a better chance of remaining consistent. Eat healthy, as I mentioned start off slow, so you won’t go on a binge later—all your progress and hard work will be for nothing.

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5. Have Patience

There is no magic pill and if there were, then your weight loss wouldn’t last anyway. Getting that perfect body takes time, so set realistic expectations, set attainable goals, be consistent, and you will be rewarded with the body you want.

6.Never Give

I hope these 6 key points were helpful to you. If you apply all the 6 principles on your fitness journey, you will be successful in achieving your fitness goals.


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:

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