Spotting the Difference Between Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress are commonly confused with each other. However, they are two different things that may require different types of treatment. If you’re not sure whether you or a loved one is dealing with the effects of anxiety or stress, here are a few ways you can spot the differences between the two.

Anxiety and Stress

What Is Anxiety & Stress?

Anxiety and stress are both emotional responses, but one is usually caused by an external trigger while the other is often caused by internal triggers. Anxiety can be described as consistent worries that arise even without a known stressor. Anxiety can cause the affected person to feel excessively worried about anything and nothing. Symptoms that commonly accompany anxiety include difficulty concentrating, insomnia, muscle tension, fatigue, and irritability.

Incidentally, the symptoms associated with anxiety are also associated with excessive stress. But stress is almost always caused by an identifiable external trigger. For example, if you lose your job and aren’t sure how to put food on the table, you’re likely to feel excessive stress. Other common causes of stress include chronic illness, problems with personal relationships, and approaching work deadlines.

Fortunately, there are coping mechanisms you can use to get through periods of anxiety or stress. These include mediation, getting sufficient sleep, and taking products such as Brillia, which can enhance clarity and reduce anxiety. Brillia is a homeopathic product that doesn’t have harmful side effects like many of the prescriptions commonly recommended for anxiety and stress. Additionally, Brillia for kids is safe for children to take, whereas many prescription products are only recommended for adults.

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Main Causes of Both

Anxiety disorders are common. They impact an estimated 19% of Americans aged 18 and older. Generalized anxiety is the most common type, and it’s typified by excessive worry that occurs consistently over days or months. This type of anxiety usually exhibits physical symptoms as well as emotional and psychological symptoms.

Another common type of anxiety disorder is called panic disorder. This may cause the affected person to experience sudden, severe anxiety attacks that cause them to feel panicked and/or paranoid. Other common types of anxiety include social anxiety and anxiety from school.

Stress is usually due to external stressors that may or may not be under the affected person’s control. Work is a common source of stress, as are strained interpersonal relationships. High school students are also subjected to stress from trying to earn good grades or simply keep up in class. A small amount of stress usually isn’t anything to worry about and can actually be helpful. Without some degree of stress, people would be less likely to study for tests or prepare for upcoming work deadlines.

Chronic stress, on the other hand, can cause long-term health repercussions and should be addressed. To get rid of chronic stress, it may be necessary to reprioritize different aspects of life and let go of unimportant things that are making you feel overwhelmed. You can also improve your body’s ability to handle stress by taking Brillia to help reduce your anxious feelings so you can get back to enjoying life more fully.

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