Passport to Leadership: Summary of 2016 Discussion Series Events

The USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project strengthens health systems to deliver more responsive services to more people. We do this by developing inspired leaders, sound management systems, and transparent governance practices at the individual level and with networks, organizations, and governments. The LMG Project builds on 30 years of the best thinking and practices from organizational development to empower health leaders, managers, and teams to meet and master their most pressing challenges.

In 2016, the LMG Project hosted a series of three Passport to Leadership events to achieve global end-of-project goals:

  1. Document project achievements
  2. Promote and disseminate project achievements
  3. Advance the conversation about leadership, management, and governance interventions for improved health service delivery

These half-day participatory events were held in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Uganda. The knowledge generated at the events will be shared among stakeholders in each country and discussed during global end-of-project events to inform future programming for health systems strengthening.

See also  Scale-up Workshop Sets Stage for ECOWAS Forum on Good Practices in Health

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