National Malaria Control Programs

Project Dates: October 2013 – September 2016
Active Countries: Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Lao PDR, Liberia, Sierra Leone

Project Overview:
With support from the U.S. Government Global Fund technical assistance set aside, the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) provides direct technical assistance to National Malaria Control Programs (NMCP) through the Leadership, Management, and Governance National Malaria Control Program Capacity Building Project (LMG/NMCP). The two-year goal of the project is to build the capacity of local NMCPs to effectively implement national malaria strategies. The LMG/NMCP project supports nine target country NMCPs (Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Lao PDR) by placing Senior Technical Advisors within the NMCP.

These Advisors work closely with NMCP leaders to strengthen their coordination with the Global Fund (GF) Country Coordinating Mechanism and other GF partners in line with the GF New Funding Model. In countries were the government is the Principal Recipient (PR), LMG/NMCP is building the capacity of the NMCP throughout the grant process, from applying for grants to implementation, evaluation, monitoring, and risk mitigation. In target countries where the PR is not the national government, LMG/NMCP emphasizes effective collaboration with and support of the country’s GF grant PR.

Examples of LMG/NMCP assistance include:

  • In five countries–Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, Lao PDR, and Togo–Senior Technical Advisors provide support to NMCP’s to improve supply chain management of malaria commodities.
  • Each Senior Technical Advisor develops country-specific workplans, with support from the home office team, based on the results of an initial rapid organizational capacity assessment conducted with NMCP and stakeholder participation.
  • Cross-cutting regional NMCP capacity-building activities.
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