Leadership, Management, and Governance Project Fact Sheet

Building Capacity of Individuals & Institutions

The USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project strengthens health service delivery by training leaders and building the institutional capacity of organizations.

  • Incorporating leadership and management competencies into healthcare curricula and on-the-job training is systematically and sustainably building the capacity among Ethiopia’s health workforce.
  • Facilitating the Leadership Development Program Plus (LDP+) for staff of IPPF Member Associations in Uganda, Ghana, Mozambique, and Cameroon resulted in organizational adoption of team-based participatory problem-solving approaches.
  • Collaborating with the Joint Clinical Research Centre in Uganda led to improvements in financial management, information and communication technology, board governance, and human resources management.
  • Training midwives in leadership and management improved health in communities, like increasing deliveries with skilled birth attendants and easing overcrowding in maternity wards.
  • Strengthening the Ukrainian Center for Socially Dangerous Disease Control’s organizational capacity – institutional, programmatic, and financial – as a Global Fund Principal Recipient means they are better equipped to manage programs.

Ensuring Equitable Access to Health Services

The LMG Project collaborates with individuals, networks, organizations, and governments to enhance the abilities of historically marginalized populations to access health services.

  • We facilitate trainings of trainers on a custom management capacity building program for the International Committee of the Red Cross’s Physical Rehabilitation Programme, where together they strengthen their problem-solving and teambuilding skills.
  • Our sexual and reproductive health peer coaching program builds leadership skills among International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Youth Action Movement (YAM) members in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda, which helps maintain a critical mass of trained young leaders.
  • Strengthening the advocacy programs and financial systems of the International Youth Alliance on Family Planning helps the NGO become self-sustaining and creates an accessible platform for youth to contribute to FP2020 goals.
  • Providing the International Committee of the Red Cross’s Physical Rehabilitation Program a customizable package of leadership tools strengthens their management systems and contributes to more responsive services for more clients in ten countries.
  • Convening managers of wheelchair services and other stakeholders from civil society and government helps them analyze and address barriers to accessing quality services.
  • Strengthening the capacity of organizations providing HIV and AIDS testing and treatment in the Middle East and North Africa has expanded access to service providers for stigmatized groups.
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Strengthening Health Systems

The LMG Project provides adaptable tools and approaches to governments, civil society, and the private sector to improve capacity across entire health systems.

  • Our training has improved the knowledge and practice of governance within the West African Health Organization, and in the ministries of health in Mali, Togo, and Nigeria.
  • We supported Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health to overhaul management tools, including manuals, training programs, and information systems. We also established baseline data for patient satisfaction and other key health indicators so the MOPH can measure progress towards a strengthened health system.
  • Management and governance capacity building for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Country Coordinating Mechanisms in Africa and Central America has helped support a multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS.
  • In Haiti, our collaboration with the Ministry of Health to implement national results based financing has improved data on the quality and quantity of health care services delivered.

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