Knowledge Exchange (KE)

The LMG Project seeks to encourage and enable responsive knowledge exchange—the generation and dissemination of knowledge (information, insights, and interventions)—to enhance the effectiveness of those who manage, lead, and govern in middle- and low-income countries’ health systems. In order to do so, we must:

1. Establish and support a collaborative network of private- and public-sector organizations and training institutions to generate and share wisdom, knowledge, and evidence-based information about effective  L+M+G;

2. Establish and manage innovative (including digital) knowledge management tools, resources, and infrastructure (including core competence in information and communication technology) for cost-effective South-South and North-South insight and exchange about L+M+G interventions that help yield stronger health systems and greater health impact;

3. Celebrate positive utilization of KE resources and knowledge-conscious practices among those who manage, lead, and govern health systems.

Although LMG’s knowledge Exchange (KE) strategy will change according to evolving needs, interests,  and possible new applications, the outcomes and outputs should remain the same:improving skills, relationships, and practices that encourage connecting, collaborating, and being generous to advance global health gains.


  • Identify key stakeholders
  • Identify current and applicable evidence-based knowledge on L+M+G for health
  • Make that knowledge accessible to stakeholders through appropriate practices and platforms


  • Support transparent co-creation of knowledge to advance the L+M+G for health knowledge-base
  • Promote knowledge-conscious leadership and management practices (including ICT literacy) for effective knowledge exchange and innovation

Be Generous

  • Recognize and encourage applicable experiential knowledge and allow it to be as relevant to the knowledge base as credentialed peer-reviewed literature
  • Encourage and support efforts to document leadership, management, and governance successes through social media
  • Celebrate efforts to openly share and promote learning of L+M+G lessons learned and promising practices
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