Keep Your Nails Safe In Winter

Although winter is a much-awaited season to experience beautiful nature scenes, it has always been difficult for our skin. Dealing with extreme dryness, unusual skin problems has been a big challenge. However, we manage to take care of skin with extreme attention and sometimes we ignore nails to give the same attention. Nail care is equally important as skin care in winter; else they might become weaker which in turn cause breakage and some infections.

Here I would help you to practice a healthy nail care routine that includes some DIY and home remedies.

Keep Your Nails Safe In Winter

Nail care routine:

The initial and major problem you face in winter is that your nails become easily breakable and it is because of the lack of moisture in the air, it reduces the level of warmth in the nails causing dryness. To deal with this you can follow the below steps.

Use your favorite hand lotion at least thrice a day to retain moisture.

Use a heavy and thick cream during night, so that locks moisture level while you’re sleeping to prevent dryness.

If you find your cuticle part weaker, use cuticle oil once a day.

Try to put your nails shorter in this season as nails grow long they become much more brittle.

Healthy diet:

Just like you need a healthy diet for proper body functioning, you need a healthy diet to have healthy and strong nails. It mainly needs vitamin B and protein intake. Make sure to have bananas, nuts, spinach, leafy vegetables, fish in your diet and maintain sufficient water level in the body by drinking water frequently.

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Healthy diet

In addition to this, there are some major Do’s and Don’ts for nail.

Nail care do’s:

  • To protect your nails, often keep them coated with a nail-polish.
  • Use gloves when you move out in cold weather, so that it locks moisture.
  • While removing your nail-polish, make sure you use acetone-free nail-polish remover.
  • File your nails regularly to get rid of ridges and keep them smooth. This helps you to avoid picking inner threads of some sweaters which may cause breakage.

Nail care don’ts:

  • If you get nail problems frequently, then you might be having the most dangerous habit of biting nails that you have been carrying since childhood. I understand that it becomes really hard to get rid of this habit, when you get anxious but try your best to break this habit.
  • While water intake is beneficial to your health, its outer exposure to nails could be harmful. Avoid your nail contact with water as far as possible.
  • Don’t cut your cuticles, just push-back them. Your cuticles are natural barriers that prevent your nails from germs and bacteria, so do not cut them.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps and chemical-based nail-strengthening products.
  • Avoid scented lotion as far as possible.

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DIY nail care:

No matter how many creams you use, natural remedies have totally different and effective impacts on skin, Right? Here I am mentioning a simple manicure and pedicure process that helps you to have beautiful nails. Do give a try.

Step 1:

Grate the fresh lemon, add some epsom salt, and put them in warm water and let your hands soak in it for 5-10 min.(Add 5-7 fresh rose petals if available).

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Step 2:

Take a bowl, add a table spoon for turmeric, rice-flour and licorice powder to it and squeeze the required amount of lemon juice to make it a thick paste without any lumps and gently massage it on your hands and rub it off smoothly.

Step 3 :

Finally take Aloe Vera gel and message it on your hand.

If you do this once in a week, the antibiotic nature of lemon, turmeric and healing properties of aloe vera and licorice powder would keep your nails away from all kinds of infections.

These are some techniques and preventive measures that help you to maintain your nails’ health. If you find this article helpful, do leave comments below.


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:

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