Did You Know You can Make New Friends with Indoor Cycling?

If you are an extrovert who loves to make new friends wherever you go, you’re going to love this new app. Get into Vingo, the best app for indoor cycling. The new normal life has changed almost all of our habits, from work to leisure and even our fitness regimes. With all the gyms closed down during the past two years, most fitness buffs have set up their own equipment at home and they have found it more productive than going to a gym.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor Cycling Need not be a Lonely Workout

You might have realised by now that working out at your own home, on your own exercise bike is far better. But there’s something missing in this. Seeing new people when you go to a gym or meeting your friends and team up is quite impossible. The most boring part is that you will be alone every day, staring at a blank wall, listening to the same old tracks with your headphones. You need more than that to get fit, right? You need a source for mental stimulation. This is where Vingo can help you.

Meet New & Exciting People

On Vingo, you can connect with new people, not just from your locality, but from across the whole world. Vingo is an app designed for Online Cycling, but it can do more than that. On Vingo, you can find everyone from trained athletes to avid beginners, finding their own motivation to get better. What’s more interesting is the fact that you can make new friends on the app, by talking with them directly over voice chat. You can team up with them, encourage each other and in no time at all, you will all be getting fit. And the best part, you’re going to be in your home when you’re socialising around the world.

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Get Your Free Account on Vingo

You can always register for free on Vingo. Right now, it is offered as a beta version, that is, it is completely free to open your account in it till the end of the year. After that, you can continue with your account with a minimal charge of $11.99 per month. This is minimal compared to other apps and websites, which charge about $15 per month with far less features. Vingo is the best Indoor Cycling App available on the market right now and makes full use of it.

Make Friends & Form Groups

So, what are you waiting for? Give the urgent care that your health needs. Download Vingo on your phone, or even better, on your smart TV and place the screen in front of your bike. Start running across all your favourite spots in the world and make new friends in them. You will feel more energetic and lively when you exercise regularly. You can also create or join communities in Vingo, based on your location, language, exercise type and so on. Meet like minded people and together you’ll go farther than each of us can go individually.


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail: srupnar85@gmail.com

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