Cameroon Study Research Brief

Postpartum family planning (PPFP) refers to the initiation of family planning services during the 12-month period following delivery, and PPFP has the potential to reach large numbers of women with life-saving information and services, which aids in the prevention of unintended pregnancies and associated potentially adverse health outcomes.

Studies show during their first year postpartum, more than 95% of women want to delay or avoid pregnancy, yet 70% of women are not using contraception.

This research brief presents findings from a prospective mixed methods study in Cameroon conducted as a collaboration between the USAID-funded Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) and Evidence to Action (E2A) projects. In particular, the study focused on evaluating the added-value of the leadership development program on E2A’s PPFP clinical training program.

Find all of the study results and learn more about the methodology in the full Cameroon Study Endline Report.

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