Photo Blog: Governance for Health Roundtable 2013

To ensure that good governance is at the forefront of health system strengthening interventions, the LMG Project organized the first Governance for Health roundtable in 2012. Now the second Governance for Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Roundtable held on August 15-16, 2013 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. will bring thought leaders together to discuss how good governance enables and facilitates better health system performance and outcomes.

Sita Magnuson helps kick off the roundtable with a quick rendering of Governance for Health.

MSH’s Dr. Johnathan Quick delivers welcome and opening remarks for G4H2013!

Participants from USAID, ACHEST and Board Effect during a governance session.

Small group disscusions during the E-Governance session.

Helena Walkowiak, from MSH, gives her tables’ opinion on key obstacles to good governance.

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